School Council

School Council is a valuable home/school link that supports the learning environment of our students and your children. The Council acts in an advisory capacity providing ideas and input to assist the principal and where appropriate, school board trustees in their decision making on educational issues. School Council membership includes parents (elected by parents), the principal, one member of the teaching staff, one non-teaching staff representative and, if possible, an appointed community member.

Colonel By School Council Executive (2024-2025):

McCrimmon, Heather

Executive, Co-Chair 

Qing Lin, Linda

Executive, Co-Chair 

Gupta, Jaya

Executive, Co-Treasurer

Sabara, Nadia

Executive, Co-Treasurer

Tabri, Rania

Executive, Co-Secretary

Zhou, Amy

Executive, Co-Secretary


Executive, OCASC Rep

Mohan, Ishaan

Student Rep 

Matwata Gamage, Sandani

Student Rep 


Co-Community Rep 

Jones, Trish

Co-Community Rep 

 Movileanu, Adrian  Co-Community Rep 

Meeting Dates (All Meetings are in Person with a Virtual Option):

September 24th - 7-830PM
October 15th - 7-830PM
November 12th  - 7-8:30PM
December  10th  - 7-8:30PM
January 14th - 7-8:30PM
February 11th - 7-8:30PM
March 18th  - 7-8:30PM
April 8th - 7-8:30PM
May 13th - 7-8:30PM
June 10th - 7-8:30PM


CBSS Facebook 

Welcome to the newest CB communication channel - the Colonel By School Council Facebook Group! This private, closed unofficial Group has been set up by volunteers of the School Council for the CB community to connect and share relevant school related information. Please do not share promotional information, nor personal issues about your student or CB. All non-CB related and inappropriate posts will be deleted. 

Contact Us: 
[email protected]

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