Current IB Students

IB Diploma Programme

Please visit our 2022-2023 Course Offerings

The IB Program requires a student to select courses in the six groups identified below. To obtain an IB Diploma, candidates must successfully complete a course and write an international examination in each of these areas of study in their final two years of secondary school. Students study courses from each of the groups for a period of two years. Of the six courses, three and not more than four are to be taken at the "Higher Level" and the remainder at the "Standard Level".

The curriculum is modelled by six academic areas surrounding the three core requirements.

IB Diploma Programme

Student achievement is assessed according to specific performance criteria established by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Both external and internal assessment are used in the IB Program.  

External Assessment
Written examinations are set by the Chief Examiners and evaluated by over 2,000 assistant examiners from all over the world. These examinations may include essay and short answer topics, document based and multiple-choice questions.

Internal Assessment
According to the requirements for individual subjects, assessment may take the form of major written assignments, projects, field or lab work.  Internal Assessment assignments are first evaluated by the teacher at Colonel By, and then sent to an external moderator to ensure uniform standards of evaluation are maintained.

The Award of the IB Diploma
The assessment for IB examinations consists of 7 grade levels:

Grade 7 - Excellent
Grade 6 - Very Good
Grade 5 - Good
Grade 4 - Satisfactory
Grade 3 - Mediocre
Grade 2 - Poor
Grade 1 - Very Poor

Up to three additional points may be awarded for a student's combined performance in the Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge papers. The Diploma is awarded to any student who meets or exceeds 24 points and who has no failing conditions.

University Recognition
Students who elect to pursue the International Baccalaureate Program will be guaranteed outstanding preparation for further academic study at university. Successful completion of the Diploma allows students to be considered for admission to many universities and students may often receive advanced credit and/or placement for those courses in which they have received a 5, 6, or 7 score. Please refer to individual university documentation (through registrar's offices and university calendars) for current recognition policies.

The IB is, however, more than superb academic preparation. It encourages responsible citizenship, tolerance, and a consciousness of the shared humanity which binds us all together. We are citizens of a globe of tremendous diversity; IB recognizes and encourages us to become active members of this society.

Standing for Creativity, Action, and Service, CAS is one of the core components of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. It is built around the idea that we learn as much outside of the classroom as we do inside, and that experiences in a variety of different areas helps enrich our lives and our learning. CAS is undertaken by IB Diploma students in grades 11 and 12.  Students are required to provide evidence that they have met various learning outcomes, and reflect on their experiences.

Please read the What Counts As CAS? guide to find out more about the CAS program and which activities are suitable for CAS.

CAS is now entirely online. Please login via your ManageBac ID to add or edit entries.

Extended Essay
The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, culminating in a 4000 word paper. As a required component, it provides:

  • practical preparation for the kinds of undergraduate research required at the university level
  • an opportunity for students to engage in an in-depth study of a topic of interest within a chosen subject.

Emphasis is placed on the research process:

  • formulating an appropriate research question
  • engaging in a personal exploration of the topic
  • communicating ideas
  • developing an argument

Participation in this process develops the capacity to:

  • analyze
  • synthesize, and
  • evaluate knowledge.

Students are supported throughout the process with advice and guidance from a supervisor.