Technology & Fine Arts

Technology at Colonel By
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Technology & Fine Arts Department

Colonel By's Technology and Fine Arts Department provides students with a diverse offering of courses including Communications and New Media Courses, which include  CougarVision, Film, and Journalism, Computer Science, Integrated Technology, and Design Technology. Additionally we boast a rich and diverse offering in Fine Arts, Music, and Music Theatre; all of which provide exceptional experiential learning opportunities beyond the classroom.

In addition to the many outstanding courses students have the opportunity to participate in a myriad of opportunities including competitions, workshops, The Will Phee Film Festival, Robotics ClubPhotography ClubThe CB Musical, Art Showcases, Band and Music Performances and Concerts to name but a few. 

Colonel By offers a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) Program in Digital Broadcasting with a Focus on Television and Film Production. Students interested in learning more about this program or wishing to apply should contact Scott Virgo by email:

Please feel free to contact any of the technology teachers for detailed information on each course offering.

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